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Kingsway Surgery
Non-NHS contracted Work
Dear patients, non–NHS contracted work such as private medicals for HGV drivers, taxi drivers, travel cancellation forms, insurance requests etc are not part of our contracted work for the NHS.
GPs do not have to complete non–NHS contracted work for their patients.
Our NHS work for our patients is our focus, therefore requests for any type of non–NHS contracted work can take a long time to get to completion. If you need to have your request for this type of work completed as soon as possible, please do not hand it in or send into the surgery but seek an alternative route.
When we receive any requests for this type of work either via post, email or handed in at reception please be aware that we will not contact you until we are able to offer an appointment for any medicals or completed any forms from patients or insurance companies. We will however require payment before completion of any work and a request will be made for this to the patient or company that is requesting the information.
Our GPs are contracted by the Department of Health to offer medical services to our NHS Patients, any non-contractual work is chargeable to the patient or company requesting the information.
Kind Regards
Kingsway Surgery